
MLEDGE project – deliverables repository

P0 – Project Management

  •  E0.1 – M6 – Quality control and risk management strategy (pdf, Spanish)
  • E0.2 – M12 – Progress Report (pdf, Spanish)
  • E0.2 – M18 – Progress Report (pdf, Spanish)

P1 – Requirement analysis, architecture and design

  • E1.1 – M6 – Requirements and design of MLEDGE architecture and use cases (preliminary) (pdf, Spanish)
  • E1.2 – M6 – Tender process RFP documents (link to the tender process)
  • E1.2 – M9 – Second tender process RFP documents (link to the tender process)
  • E1.3 – M12 – Requirements and design of MLEDGE architecture and use cases (final) (pdf, Spanish)

P2 – Implementation of MLEDGE basic components

  • E2.1 – M12 – Preliminary version of the basic components of MLEDGE (pdf, Spanish)


P3 – Traditional economy use case implementation

  • E3.1 – M18 – State of the Art and Design of the components of the traditional economy use case (pdf, Spanish)


P4 – Digital economy use case implementation

  • E4.1 – M18 – State of the Art and Design of the components of the digital economy use case (pdf, Spanish)


P5 – Cloud infrastructure provisioning and optimization

  • E5.1 – M18 – State of the Art and Design of the components of MLEDGE cloud infrastructure (pdf, Spanish)


P6 – Proof of Concept, exploitation and dissemination

  • E6.1 – M6 – Dissemination and communication plan (pdf, Spanish)