IMDEA Networks Showcases MLEDGE Project at UNICO I+D Meet-Up in Madrid
December 30, 2024
On 12 December 2024, we were honored to participate in the UNICO I+D Project Meet-Up held at the prestigious ETSI de Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural (UPM) in Madrid, Spain. This event brought together key stakeholders from the R&D community, including universities, SMEs, large corporations, and RTOs, to advance the development of cloud technologies.
Among the 16 projects currently part of the UNICO I+D program is MLEDGE, which we are proud to be involved with. Javad Dogani and Nikolaos Laoutaris from the IMDEA Networks Institute, with Alberto Roman from Acuratio joining as the members of the MLEDGE Project.
🔶 Javad presented MLEDGE, a project focused on Cloud and Edge Machine Federated Learning aimed at simplifying FL by developing middleware and components that abstract its complexity, making it more accessible for use in cloud-edge environments.
🔶Alberto then took the stage to demonstrate how MLEDGE is applied across the Traditional Economy, Digital Economy, and Cloud Infrastructure sectors. Alberto continued by highlighting the federated learning platform that Acuratio has designed, showcasing their collaborations with Orange and Inmarepro which are the other partners of the project. We thank our host, Ernestina Menasalvas from the ELADAIS Project, and co-organizers Brendan Rowan and Sergio Cueva from BluSpecs.